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Barka da zuwa <> Welcome to (Ƙamusun Hausa da Turanci)
Simple Hausa and English definitions & translations of about 18074 words and phrases (fassarar kalmomi)


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Hello! <> Sannu! is an online bilingual dictionary that aims to offer the most useful and accurate Hausa to English or English to Hausa translations and definitions. This site contains a wide range of Hausa and English language materials and resources to help you learn Hausa or English. Pick up some basic terms and phrases here, expand your vocabulary, or find a language partner to practice with. Other ways to learn is through language immersion where you spend a good amount of time with the language you would like to learn through a combination of reading, listening, or watching Hausa content on YouTube, Arewa24, or Hausa films. To learn more about and its mission, click here.
