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28-Year-Old Lands His Dream Job In Toronto Because Of This Crayon Resume (PHOTO)

He put the "fun" in "funemployment"

A radio host just landed his dream job in Toronto after being unemployed for more than a year. Kevin Getz got a radio hosting gig at 102.1 The Edge, a radio station based in Toronto, after sending in a child-like cartoon drawing of himself on the back of his resume to get the station’s attention. This is one unique resume idea for the ages and it totally worked for Getz. Maybe it'll work for you, too.

Getz grew up outside Toronto and moved to British Columbia in 2011 in hopes of starting his radio hosting career. He worked for Virgin Radio until he was fired from the job in 2017 and then he began a “fun journey of unemployment” as he said in a phone interview. 

After sending in hundreds of job applications for over a year and facing several rejections, Getz was on the verge of giving up. Then, he tried a creative tactic to get noticed by 102.1 The Edge. It's a radio station that he coincidentally grew up listening to as a young boy in Ontario. 

“I sent this drawing almost out of frustration like there's no way they can ignore this. It looks like an innocent child drawing who's gonna not open this?” said Getz. 

Getz says that he came up with the idea in frustration after never hearing back from any of the jobs he applied to. Of all the hottest Canadian companies he could have worked, his dream job was at a radio station and he finally got it.

Narcity Media also reached out to Tammy Cole, the Program Director at 102.1 The Edge, and asked her what she thought of Getz’s resume.

“He sent me a drawing that looked like what you would put on your fridge, from a 5 year old. It certainly got my attention!” said Cole. 

“There's a little bit frustration a little bit trying to do something no one's ever done before,” said Getz.

“I was just trying to think, what can I do to get their attention? How do you get a resume in someone's hands when everybody is sending them resumes?” he continued. 

Getz not only drew the image like a kid with a new box of crayolas but also wrote the actual address for the envelope with a crayon with his non-dominant left hand so it looked like a child actually sent it in.

He said that he hoped the unexpected cartoon on his resume would show the heads of the radio station that he was creative and that he would make a great radio host. 

“About a week and a half later, I got an email from the boss saying that she enjoyed the art…I called it an artistic attempt”, said Getz. “And I get to host a show on the station I grew up listening to which is super cool.” 

If you don't have any crayons lying around, you can instead apply to any one of these seasonal jobs

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